Mains  Spike  Music

Electric / eclectic sounds from the UK underground...

Independent record label based in Coventry UK.
Host to a diverse selection of bands and artists.
Retro / rock / electro / experimental / dance / ambient / blues / indie.
New music / new sounds / home of the underground and undiscovered...
mains spike


1.  In electrical engineering, spikes are fast, short duration electrical transients in voltage (voltage spikes), current (current spikes), or transfered energy (energy spikes) in an electrical circuit. Fast, short duration electrical transients (overvoltages) in the electric potential of a circuit are typically caused by.
mains spike records new music new rock music stoner rock psychedelic rock music electro music trance music techno music previously unreleased white label techno dance music drum and bass music experimental music rock and rap music generaltheband where are your gods now? goji thenotablesband the notables uk dreamgrinder bullet proof electric revue dark swan dive philip sven blomberg sentence them to bass take the bass cake gman dave claridge new uk music tubilah dog lies uk soundmovements xen alkaloid new releases big bass

©All rights reserved

​​Filthy Cake Do You Want Some? 

Released :
5 March 2018

In partnership with

All Down But Nine

Released :
30 September 2018

Part 1

Released :
29 June 2018

Sentence Them To Bass

Released : 2023

Voyage To Crab Mountain

Released :
17 March 2018

Look Out! EP

Released :
7 July 2018

​​Code Switch Theory HyperMegaSuperMassive

Release date :
16 Feb 2019

Welcome To Wunderware

Released :
13 October 2018

Instrumental To Oblivion

Released : 2023

Retrospective 1

Released : 16 November 2019

Follow Playlists at :

Where Are Your Gods Now?
(Deluxe version with bonus live / acoustic tracks)

Release date :
9 March 2019

New Releases

Heavy Rotation

Release Date :
1 February 2020

Self Titled 1997

Released : 5 October 2019

#newmusic #newrelease #newreleases #newalbum #newalbums #newrockmusic #newrockmusicuk #rockmusicuk #ukmusicscene #newmusicuk #discovernewmusic #discovernewbands #discovernewrockbands #undiscoveredmusic #undiscoveredbands #obscuremusic #obscurebands #alternative #alternativemusic #alternativerock #experimentalmusic #electro #electromusic #rock #rockmusic #heavyrockmusic #stoner #stonerrock #stonerrockmusic #stonerrockuk #stonerrockmusicuk #retro #retromusic #retrorock #retrorockmusic #midlandsrock #coventrycity #coventrymusicscene #coventrymotorcity #coventrycityofculture #coventrycityofculture2021

Red Jacket

Release Date :
27 June 2020

​​Sound Movements 61:36 Mix

Release Date :
1 March 2021

​[ UPC 195712112490 ]

Release Date :
11 August 2021

​​The Pigeons​​
From Pure Evil
To Lovely Man
[ UPC 195712224452 ]

Release Date :
12 August 2022